Try out All Sorts of Crazy Google Fonts
Try out All Sorts of Crazy Google Fonts
Change the look of your text with CSS rules:
Try some markup based on the meaning of your text:
computer code
Using the :hover pseudo-class, make colors change on rollover. (Duckett, pg. 291)
Roll over to see!
Using the :hover pseudo-class, make the card appear to lift off the page by giving it a drop shadow and a slight offset. (Duckett, pgs. 291, 320, 366)
Roll over to see!
Change the cursor to a crosshair with the CSS cursor property. (Duckett, pg. 347)
Roll over to see!
Use the background-image CSS property to use an image as the background for part of the page. (Duckett, pgs. 412-416)
Add an audio clip to the page. (Duckett, pgs. 219-222), Treehouse
Add a video clip to the page. (Duckett, pgs. 209-216), Treehouse
Use CSS Animations to change CSS values over time. Treehouse, W3 Schools