A Compendium of Coding Links and Resources

I started this site as an assignment for the three-course Web Development Foundations series at Portland Code School. It was originally a simple blog, documenting my experiences in the course, but I've since redesigned it as a place to keep hands-on, practical resources that helped me in those three classes, as well as anything else that I've found especially handy.


Text editors, browsers and more

Slack - For communicating with teammates.

Codepen.io - A digital playpen for trying out code.

Brackets - My current favorite text editor.

Atom - Text Editor
(OS X 10.8 or later, Windows 7 & 8, RedHat Linux, and Ubuntu Linux)
List of shortcuts for Atom.

Sublime Text - Text Editor
(OS X 10.6 or later, Windows, Windows 64-bit, Linux 32-bit, Linux 64-bit)

Chrome - The web browser of choice for our class, mainly because of its development tools.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery

HTML Forms

  • Purpose and Usability
  • Validation

CSS Animations and Transitions


  • A modal pop-window using jQuery: Tutorial