My name is Stephanie Argy. I live and work with Alec Boehm in Portland, Oregon. If you want to know more about what I do, you can visit the website of our company, Mental Slapstick, or you can go to my personal website here:
Alec and I used to live in Los Angeles, where we had a wonderful studio with concrete floors, a drain in the floor and a massive work sink. I fell in love with that studio at first sight, because I thought, “Here’s a place where we don’t have to be afraid to make a mess!”
Now, here in Portland, I’ve plunged deep into words and pictures and sounds and little chunks of text, and so I need a different kind of place in which to make a mess. I’ve created this website to chronicle my grimy, hands-on experiments in writing, coding, digital publishing and storytelling – hence…Muddy Hands.
One of my original goals with this site was to post all my (very in-depth) notes from the Web Foundations and Advanced Front End Web Dev Tools courses that I took at Portland Code School. After the school abruptly went out of business in October 2015, it occurred to me that my notes might be of use to others…so I’m housing them here.
This site is constantly evolving, and I hope that there will be interesting things on it from time to time. Please come back often and feel free to contact me: