Introductions Syllabus (and adapations) Skill Set Assignment Textbook (Duckett)
Syllabus is here.
Expect to work two hours at home for every hour in class – 18 hours total work (class + homework) per week.
In each class, will talk about things in a simple way.
Will do pair programming.
Two tracks of assignments:
- Personal blog
- Work for “client”
(Side note: Arcade Fire music video made in HTML5 and JavaScript:
Client Goals — USER GOALS — Developer Goals
In this class, too, we’re developing skills in four areas:
- Technology
- Tools
- Team
- Technique
Learning Objective: Observable skill in each area. Some are specific to a goal, some not. Because this is a class, some of these are already defined.)
Mainly CSS and JavaScript. Not going to cover HTML any more deeply than we already have (Except HTML forms.)
Topics to be covered:
- Going to use callbacks (and learn the difference between a “callback and a “promise.”)
- Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX). Something set up, but that you don’t know when it’s going to run.
- Chrome Dev Tools, also Firebug and Selenium (to test websites by recording clicks, actions, etc.).
- Task automation
- For example, Autoprefixer to automatically apply browser-specific CSS prefixes.
By next class:
- Review the syllabus
- Talk to Al by Slack or email about our own personal goals for this class.
- Start our blog.
Syllabus, resources, etc. can be found here.
On Slack, @channel or @group will send to everyone. Can also send individual messages.
ul is the tag name. </ul> is the tag. The tags and the space in between is the container. The tags and the content within are the element.
What affects which CSS rules predominate?
- Proximity – inline style is closer than a style block at the top of the HTML page, which is more specific than a separate style sheet. The closer something is, the more dominant it is.
- Specificity – An id is more specific than a class, which is more specific than an element.
CODE EVERY DAY. It’s crucial for us to identify our own gaps and address them.
Assignments for this course:
- Blog
- Make responsive.
- Post weekly article.
- Will add a To Do list. (Can start now.)
- Will build up up a glossary. (Can start now.)
- Client site
- For animal adoption agency.
We’ll do the animal adoption site in phrases. In the first phase:
- Statuc site: One page.
- Carousel of animal images.
- List of adoptable kittens.
Technical requirements for this phase:
- Bootstrap. (No customization.)
- CReate list from a JSON array of objects.
This class is about data-driven sites. Going to generate content via JavaScript.
JavaScript Objects remember things. Animal properties might be:
- Species
- Age
- Breed
- Gender
- Size
- Weight
- Color
- Description
- Image URL
Build what you need, add more later.
Going to work project up into increasing complexity. Every character, every line of code is a point of failure. The more code you have, the less reliable it is.
Pair programming: Intense form of collaboration.
There are different models for pair programming. Think of it is a road rally, with a driver (focusing on staying on the road) and a navigator (focusing on winning the race). The Driver has hands on the keyboard; the Navigator does the strategic work.
- Two pairs of eyes.
- Two people learn the code at the same time.
(Some shops do solo coding, followed by code walk-throughs, so that everyone becomes familiar with the code.)
Cultivate a dual state: working AND observing the process.
jQuery is a library written in JavaScript. It is used to select parts of the web page by element, class, IDs, and then do things with what you’ve selected. A library is just a bunch of code that someone else wrote.
JavaScript is a language, which has its own standard library (document, window, math, etc.). jQuery can’t do anything that isn’t in the standard library. But even though jQuery can’t do anything that you can’t do with JavaScript, everyone wants/expects you to know jQuery. (New version of JavaScript (ECMAScript 6) just out. Turning into a nice programming language.)
Difference between JavaScript and jQuery. First, the JavaScript code to change the color of a paragraph:
function changeColor(newColor) {
var elem = document.getElementById("para1"); = newColor;
<p id="para1">Some text here</p>
<button onclick="changeColor('red');">red</button>
Then, the jQuery:
$("p").css("color", "red");
From w3schools tutorial:
Basic syntax is: $(selector).action()
- A $ sign to define/access jQuery
- A (selector) to “query (or find)” HTML elements
- A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s)
$ - Shorthand for “jQuery,” opens the library. May want to use single quotes for selectors.
What can be used for selectors? jQuery Selectors
Get good at reading the jQuery API Documentation.
jQuery can be used to get info:
- .html() - Gets the content of the selected item, including its markup (but only from the first element).
- .text() - Gets text ONLY (no markup, so it ignores HTML tags and spacing).
###Setting Content
Can put text in brackets, to change content.
Pseudo-selectors Pseudo-elements
.method().method(); (etc.)
###Prepend()/Append() vs. .before()/.after()
Prepend(append) inserts content at the beginning (end) of the selected element (but inside of it). Before (after) insert content before (after) the matched element (and outside of it). Demo here
You see a lot of anonymous functions as the argument of a method call. Method call has to have a semi-colon.
console.log is pointless, but it lets us see what’s going on.
Goodle “MDN events.” There are LOTS!
This kind of programming is called “event-driven programming.” We set up functions that run when events happen. (e.g. when user clicks on something, something happens.)
###Traversing the DOM
Can traverse: Wake up function on one element, perform change on another:
input – p – div: Can wake up the vent with the input, then target the function on the div.
Can use .next() or .prev()
Here, jQuery will take the element BEFORE the one that has the calass of white, and feed that element into the .html() method.
When you’re debugging jQuery, it acts like an element, but it’s not. It’s a jQuery obj3ect that’s a representation of an element. You’re actually manipulating a very complex model. There are a lot of similarities between jQuery objects and the DOM.
JavaScript/jQuery: The whole point is to manuipulate the content of a div with the ID (output_area).
When does the script run? Afer the document is fully loaded:
$(document).ready(function () {
“document” = the Document Object Model (DOM) “.ready means it’s fully loaded.
View Dev Tools > Network tab > Disable cache > Reload.
Can set a break point. Pauses the execution of the script so that you can examine what’s happening at that point. Two types:
- Manual - Pause script execution at a specific line of code.
- Conditional - Pause script execution when a specified condition is met.
Google info on breakpoints here.
Scope - Variables inside a function don’t exist outside that variable; global variables can exist anywhere. When defined inside a function:
var name [Makes a local functin that will only exist inside that function.]
name [Makes a global function]
Also, learn to use stepping:
Can watch an expression, e.g. $wordList.
If you look inside jQuery objects, you can see what’s going on.
If you’re interested in working your way down the call stacks.
Housed on this repo, full version of jQuery available here.
<p>Knowing the vocabulary terms of web development is required. Here are a few I've picked up along the way.</p>
<dd>A throw-away word that people seem to use everywhere. It means whatever people need it to mean at that particular usage.</dd>
<dd>See "Foo"</dd>
dl= “dictionary list” dt, dd – Not used much anymore, but good.
var d = initDictionary();
You may have no idea how many items you’re going to add, so you use a type of array with the form .each(array, callback). Succinct way of interating.
$.each(d, function (index, entry) {
$worldList.append("<dt>" + entry.word</dt>)
For each “each,” runs function, returns “entry,” then runs the script in the brackets.
How to add a glossary:
In personal blog, start buliding a glossary of terms. Will store in the DOM (which will forget it), then in the browser (which will remember it till the cache is flushed), then a database (later).
kittons.json Kitten database: name, age, imageURL, description. Process: Pulling database of information.
Treehouse: Interactive Websites gives a lot of jQuery in context.
Soon… - Web app generator.
Going to go deeper into development tools later on.
Bootstrap is a quick way to throw something together.
Different techniques for pair programming remotely, including Skype. (Person who’s driving can share their screen remotely.)
In early 2000, had outsourced a lot of work to India, but after 9/11, couldn’t fly. Got good at rworking remotely. Good to start in person, then go remote.
Next iteration, will have different partners.
Online tutoral: Setting up tools environments:–cms-777
Tools that know how you work, so they reduce errors.
- Grunt – Biggest for JavaScript (so there’s a lot of documentation)
- Gulp – Newer, with a different syntax. (Very JavaScriptish).
As developer, will constantly upgrade one’s tools.
Monday: Will start with overview and show-and-tell of project so far, then more work. This iteration of the project will be due next Wednesday.