Portland Code School Class Notes

On the weekend of October 16, 2015, Portland Code School abruptly went out of business.

I had started at the school as a student in March, 2015, and after I finished three courses (Primer Basic, Primer Pro and Advanced Front End Dev Tools), I worked as a TA in the next three rounds of those same classes.

As someone trained as a journalist, I’m good at taking notes. When I was a student at PCS, I wrote down everything that we did in class…and then as a TA, I kept adding to my notes, paying special attention to the things that had most confused me, and that seemed to be confusing to other students. ((I’ve posted all my notes from the classes I took while I was a student, and now I’m filling those out with extra detail from when I sat in on those same classes as a teaching assistant.)

Here’s the basic framework:

Primer Basic

Week One - Learning to Learn, Short Overview of How a Website Works, Making Our First Website, Language Basics, Command Line Basics, Making a Webpage in a Text Editor

Week Two - Agile Project Management, Git and GitHub Basics, Chrome Developer Tools, CSS Positioning

Week Three - Collaborating with Git and GitHub

Week Four - Forms, final presentations

Primer Pro

Week One - JavaScript and responsive design, traversal

Week Two - Responsive design, reponsive images, developer tools for JavaScript, responsive design assignment, preview of JavaScript Immersion course

Week Three - Introduction to Bootstrap

Week Four - More Bootstrap

Advanced Front End Dev Tools

Week One - Class agenda, jQuery, Chrome Dev Tools, glossary assignment

Week Two - JSON, glossary assignment, command line tools & package managers, Sass

Week Three - Yeoman, testing, user stories, Selenium, Ajax, jQuery

Week Four - Command line, Backend as a Service, style guides

In addition, I made myself a page of assorted links and resources that helped me with the curriculum. That page can be found here.